
2021 Year End Wrap Up

A new year is nearly upon us but before we bid farewell to 2021, we would like to take a moment to reflect on the crazy and eventful year that it was.

Overall, this year was like 2020 in several ways, but its own year just the same. Some of the biggest buzzwords continued to dominate our space such as pandemic, interest rates, government spending packages, shutdowns, and inflation. Unlike 2020, we did not spend several months preparing for an election and the ramifications of a new party in the White House, but the news carrousel from Washington continued to make waves.

Furthermore, we are thankful for the vaccines and boosters that are widely available now and for the tireless effort all healthcare and mental health workers have provided over the past year while we try to get this pandemic in our rear-view mirror for good.

We will have much more economic content for you in January when we release our Year in Review & Looking Ahead commentary.

Like many offices around the country, the office at USAG has seen fewer visitors than years before, but still we were plenty busy. Our screens remain lit up with virtual meetings and webinars and our ear buds are getting their use with conference calls and economic discussions. Indeed, we were able to have more client meetings than last year which has been a nice side-effect of the remote way of life we have settled into.

We expect to continue with our virtual meetings when it is most convenient for you and your family.  While our office door is open and we are physically present here, we have struck a nice balance between Zoom meetings and in person appointments. At any given time, there are rarely more than five people in the office, so we feel that we are well situated to continue following the best health guidelines.

Along with virtual meetings, virtual educational event programming will continue in 2022. In the fall, we were able to sneak in one real life client event at Appleton Farms in Ipswich, but the rest of our programming has remained virtual. We have a First Quarter 2022 lineup for our “Meet the Manager Series” that we will be sharing with you in the coming days.

Finally, here are some Firm Stats from 2021

  • 21 New Client Referrals (Thank you for each and
    every one!)
  • Seven Virtual Events Held
  • One In Person Event Held
  • 11 of shots of Pfizer & four of Moderna
    (*Not medical or financial advice)
  • Four Pet Birthdays Celebrated
  • Two new securities licenses obtained
  • Too many Zoom meetings to count (But we’ll keep
    track for 2022!)
  • One new Image Runner Advance Copy machine
  • One Charity Bike Team Founded (Let us know if
    you want to hear more!)

As we look forward to 2022, we are thinking of you and all the ways we can further assist you with your financial plans. A new year also presents a new opportunity to adjust or refine your financial strategy. In addition to our regular portfolio reviews and updates we share with you, here are a set of reminders that we encourage you to think about as we head into January and please, as always, let us know if any items need further attention.

  • Check in with your Tax Advisor
  • Review your charitable gifting goals for 2022
  • Review your life insurance situation
  • Consider any life events that may impact your goals
  • Review your portfolio risk tolerance and investment objectives

While every one of your situations are different, these several topics are universally relevant.  If you would like to take special time to discuss these topics, please let us know and we’ll schedule a time.

In the meantime, please let us know if there are any details we should update or adjust for you such as your primary address, email or phone number changes or trusted family members who you would like us to meet.

Have a safe and happy New Year!

Securities offered by Registered Representatives through Private Client Services, Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory products and services offered through US Advisory Group, a Registered Investment Advisor. Private Client Services and US Advisory Group are unaffiliated entities. 

Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advice offered through US Advisory Group, a registered investment advisor and separate entity from LPL Financial. The LPL Financial registered representative(s) associated with this website may discuss and/or transact business only with residents of the states in which they are properly registered or licensed. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident of any other state.

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